We Give Back!
While it is not always an easy thing to do, we have always worked hard to find ways to give back to our community.
When Smith DCC began to "flip" homes, we saw not only a business opportunity but also a way to rehabilitate homes that would otherwise have a diminishing presence in their community.
We worked with a fantastic Sacramento based non-profit company and successfully worked on more than 50 projects in 2012.
As a member of our local Chamber of Commerce and other local organizations, we work with the ones we can to help in whatever ways we can.
Through a relationship with our subcontractors, we were pleased to be able to donate materials to a school for disabled children.
For 2019, we have some exciting programs planned and we look forward to growing our efforts.
If you, or someone you know may have a way Smith DCC can help, please talk to us or email us on our "Contact Us" page.